Cabrillo Credit Union Raises Funds for CMN Hospitals Affected by Hurricanes
The staff and members of Cabrillo Credit Union have been incredible supporters of Rady Children’s Hospital raising more than $280,000 for the Hospital since the partnership began in 1993.
After hearing of the destruction from hurricanes this fall, Cabrillo Credit Union took their support nationwide when they hosted a special fundraiser supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across the country that had been affected by the hurricanes.
Cabrillo Credit Union collected donations from members via online banking and in just over a month raised more than $2,000. These funds will be distributed to six Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in Texas, Louisiana and Puerto Rico that were most affected by the storms and are still in need of basic supplies.
For every Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, donations help to ensure the best care possible for our kids. For the six hospitals affected by the hurricanes, those donations are more critical than ever. We applaud Cabrillo Credit Union for their quick response in supporting these hospitals and are forever grateful to their generous members for not only supporting San Diego kids, but kids around the world.